Cover Art
Omari Booker
Blueprint 2, I Wanna Play
Carmen Lucía Alvarado “Despegar y dejar a los cuerpos como faros de luz” (“Take off and leave bodies as beacons of light” translated by Toshiya Kamei)
Jake Bauer “”New Brain”
Colby Cotton “Sleeping by the Mississippi”
Linda Rui Feng “The Short Answer Is”
Adam Gianforcaro “Harvest Poem”
Sherine Gilmour “Hunger”
Lily Greenberg “Rebecca”
Adam Halbur “Independence”
Stephanie Renae Johnson “Genesis 29” “Waning Crescent”
Mick Kennedy “A Toadstool and a Katydid”
Anthony Thomas Lombardi “& for that I am responsible” “i can think of a dozen different ways to use that Motown 12” & none of them will sound as sweet as ‘Dancing in the Street'”
Kurt Luchs “Loneliness”
Marilyn McCabe “Hunt” “Flood” “Surface Tension (Andy Goldsworthy)”
Michael Mlekoday “Pastoral”
Colleen Morrissey “Poems for Ghost Women: ‘Sarah Winchester’, ‘Georgia Tann’, and ‘Isobel Gowdie'”
Colin Pope “[Test Prayer When You Come to Feel Ignored by God]”
Allison Prine “Bomb Drills of Childhood”
C.L. Young “Devotion”
Shira Elmalich “A Pestilence”
Becky Hagenston “King of Bohemia”
Hannah Kroonblawd “Occasional Anxieties: Rural Household”
Luke Muyskens “CANCELLED”
John Tait “Dolor”
Creative nonfiCTION
May-Lee Chai “Norwegian Mothers’ Milk”
Chachi Hauser “Tomboy”
Sophie Lefens “Every Mother An Icon”
Arra Lynn Ross “Of Matter, an Excerpt”
Janet Thielke “Postscript”