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Spring 2005

Cover Art: Geoff Mitchell
Front: Braids, 20’’x 20’’, acrylic/phototransfer
Untitled, 26’’x 80’’, acrylic/phototransfer


Major Jackson—Feeling Very Sid| Chase| Bum Rush

David Clewell—All Night and Always| So Much Gone and Going

Amy McCann—Acts of God

J.L. Conrad—Annunciation

Linda Aldrich—To Hamlet

Kathleen McGookey—The Only Story Left| When Sorrow Arrives

Eric Schwerer—First Cousin| Lawn Job

James Hoch—Tree Planting

Anne Blonstein-- …ou l’ombrelle verte| still life grey ground

Shara Lessley—Prometheus as Sparrow| Blue Mussels

Barbara Tomash—from
Flying in Water

James Cushing—Lindaraja

David Lazar—Dark Lady of the Movies

Albert Goldbarth—If We Were Honest| “Assisted Living”

Nance Van Winckel—The Hearse Broke Free| The One Night the Dog Was Good

Megan Gannon—List of First Lines


Julie Albright—Kid Cinema

Marya Labarthe—Love Letters: A Primer

John Mandel—Well-Liked Men

Victoria T. Blake—On Blue Wine

Donald Ray Pollock—Discipline

Laura Jean Baker—Onaway Island

Trudy Lewis—Mayweather Takes the Oath

Creative Nonfiction

Margot Singer—Secret Agent Man

Stephen Gutierrez—La Muerte Hace Tortillas

William Warner—I Do Not Know What Details of Her Son’s Childhood John Ruskin’s Mother Later Remembered


Amanda Rachelle Warren and Roy Seeger—An Interview with Mary Ruefle

Recommended Books

Where the Long Grass Bends
Neela Vaswani
Reviewed by William Combs

Claire Tristram
Reviewed by Monica Friedman

Everyday Psychokillers: A History for Girls
Lucy Corin
Reviewed by Andrea Bussell

The Trouble with You Is
Susan Jackson Rodgers
Reviewed by Vicki Rakowski

Still Pitching: A Memoir
Michael Steinberg
Reviewed by Peter Geye

Insomnia Diary
Bob Hicok
Reviewed by Roy Seeger

Patrick Phillips
Reviewed by Billy Reynolds

Diane Williams, ed.
Reviewed by Heidi Bell

Editor: Glenn Deutsch
Business Manager: Michelle Hruska
Poetry Editors: Jason Olsen, Roy Seeger
Fiction Editors: Peter Geye, Sean Mintus
Creative Nonfiction Editor: Valerie Waldrop
Managing Editor: Andrea Bussell

Third Coast
Western Michigan University
English Department
1903 W Michigan Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5331